
Letter to the editor…

I am proud to call myself an American. During the recent primary while I was doing research on the candidates to help me decide whom to vote for, I came across some facts that I felt all of you would like to know. Elections are very important and the words used during an election are also important. Saying or putting words out that are not correct is not fair to the average voter, nor is it ethical.

Totally Terrific Tomatoes

Totally Terrific Tomatoes

“Home grown tomatoes, home grown tomatoes, what would life be without home grown tomatoes. Only two things that money can’t buy, that’s true love and homegrown tomatoes.” - Guy Clark There is nothing like eating a home grown tomato fresh out of the sun. And for us tomato lovers, there are few things more satisfying and enjoyable than tending to a garden full of our favorite fruited plants.



My husband, Peter, and I spend the winters in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. The center of the town is a designated World Heritage Site, which means the facades of the buildings must remain as they were in the mid-1700s.


The Columbus Banner Press

1217 Bowie St. 
Columbus, TX 78934