
“All the Flowers”

“All the Flowers”

I was reluctant to come back from Mexico this spring, knowing it would still be cold and wet and cloudy. But I’d gotten used to looking for pretty things while in Mexico. I wanted to share the festivals and the art and the colors. I’d been taking pictures and sharing them on Facebook so my friends and family could see a little bit of the world that surrounded me.

Surviving the ’70s – Free Range Summer Camp

Surviving the ’70s – Free Range Summer Camp

If you survived the 1970s and are old like me, you might relate to the following story. If you are young, you will not understand. As Baby Boomers, we grew up in a different time and place. As a society, Americans were less safety conscious then, which was fine with us kids. We never wore bike helmets (you should wear one), we drank out of the garden hose, most of us had BB guns, and we stayed outdoors and played all day until it was time to come home for supper. And, for the most part, we were an unsupervised lot. You might say we were “free-range” kids. I think it made us healthy.


The Columbus Banner Press

1217 Bowie St. 
Columbus, TX 78934